Instant smile! That's what we feel every time we see Linda's work. Playful, dynamic and full of optimism, we knew immediately that that Linda's signature artistic style combined with her lifetime fascination with space, telescopes and shuttle missions would make her a dreamy collaborator for our COSMIC LOVE scarf collection. Her Galaxy Love scarf design is a riot of glorious color that always lights up our imagination -- and our day -- whenever we put it on. Linda has personally been an explorer and adventurer throughout her life. Born into a military family in Okinawa, Japan, Linda had the opportunity to move around the world, absorbing all different kinds of animation, graphics and imagery along the way. She also lived in the US, where she studied art and design and ultimately settled in London, which continues to be one of her biggest sources of inspiration. In this DESEDA Artist Collective (DearCo) Interview she shares more about her creative journey and what moves her. Let’s Make Ties and get to know Linda…Read on!
DESEDA Artist Collective (DearCo) Artist:
Linda Baritski (aka Season of Victory)
Current Location:
DESEDA Scarf Design: Galaxy Love
Please introduce yourself and share what you do!
I’m Linda Baritski (aka Season of Victory, – a freelance Illustrator/Graphic Designer based in West London.
What was your path to becoming a creative?
I started in fine arts and shifted to Illustration and Design at university. When I moved to London I worked for a few agencies, then freelanced for a media company were I eventually became Art Director. While working, I was freelancing in my spare time. I was learning so much from freelancing and collaborating, I knew I wanted to do it full time.
How do you describe your work? And, what do you hope others take away from your work?
My approach is to always be bold and playful with my illustrations, art and design.
What motivates you to do what you do?
I love what I do and I know I’m lucky to be able to do this for a living. Every week brings something new.
Where do you find your most significant inspiration?
I think it’s important to give your mind space to recharge. Travelling or just walking around London is very inspiring - I like to work ideas out in my sketchbook/notebook and take lots of photos. I think it’s easy for creatives to get stuck in the rut of relying on Pinterest boards.
What are the plans for the next phase of your artistic and/or professional journey?
I’d like to create large-scale commissions and site specific graphic work. A dream project would be to be involved in something similar to 29rooms. I’d love to collaborate with more brands, creating limited edition artwork for their product - mainly start-up Beauty brands or Food & Drinks brands (illustrated craft beer labels). A mini homeware collection for IKEA would be fun too.
What is/are the signature element(s) of your personal style?
Bold colour and pattern with strong, chunky lines.
What music is on heavy rotation for you right now?
I listen to the radio in the studio. I’d be too distracted if I made playlists every week!
What is the favorite place you’ve visited?
Okinawa – it’s still so beautiful.
What is the last thing that really caught your eye or got stuck in your head?
My early morning coffee.
What are your favorite websites and/or Instagram profiles?
@yuni_yoshida - an Art Director doing amazing work in Japan. Timeless and inspiring.
What’s on your current wish list? (Can be any things, places or experiences!)
To visit Peru - I loved my last trip to South America. I’m excited to see more.
What’s the best nugget of advice you’ve received and would like to share with others?
Ignore the critics. No one remembers critics anyway. Also, trust your gut feeling.
And, we’d love to wrap up with the two signature questions that we refer to as the “Double Knot” 😊:
Please share an example of a time in your life where you said, “why not” and took on a big risk, challenge or leap of faith!
Deciding to freelance full time - but everything worthwhile is challenging!
Please share why you “made ties” with DESEDA and teamed up to create an original scarf design with us!
The theme for the collection was exciting for me – I’m fascinated by space. More importantly, I find collaborations with start-ups and growing businesses very rewarding. It’s great seeing creative businesses grow and being a small part of it.
Note: all photos courtesy of @seasonofvictory